Prayer for Today

Ordered Steps

February 9, 2016

Father, today I thank You for ordering my steps. I don’t always enjoy the way You direct my path, but I’m thankful. I know that even in the most difficult times, if I’ve been obedient to Your word and Your will for my life, You always lead and guide me into all truth.

Honestly Father, there are times I feel like I’m walking blind, deaf and dumb. I can’t see where You’re taking me. I don’t hear any familiar sounds around me and it seems that no one is listening to me, as if I weren’t talking at all. But, then Lord, when I’m ready to give up and throw in the towel You remind me that You will guide me. You are my light in dark places. You make the rough places smooth and the crooked paths straight.

Lord, as I set out today I will not worry or fret about the unknown. I will trust and know that You have my best interest at heart. Thank You, Father, for being here with me all the time, leading, guiding and protecting me in every situation.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture References:

Psalm 37:23

Nehemiah 9:19

Isaiah 42:16

Isaiah 40:4

Living Above Mediocrity

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Prayer for Today

God is preparing you for greatness

February 3, 2016

Father, You have given me a heart to go after my destiny by using the gifts, talents and abilities You placed in me at the beginning of time. Now Lord, give me the plan for fulfilling my life purpose.

Lord, put good people around me as wise counsel so my plans will succeed. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me into all Your truths. Allow me to write the vision You’ve given me for my ministry/my business. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the help of others, I will see my vision come to fruition. Strengthen my heart so that I will not grow weary of doing good.

Help me to focus on my destiny not my past Lord so I can remain steadfast, immovable and not swayed by the storms of life. If I keep my eyes on You, I will remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, who no foe can stand against.

This year I will be steadfast in pursuit of my destiny! I will not be defeated! This is my “Yes” year! In Jesus name. Amen.

Living Above Mediocrity

Scripture References:

Psalm 20:4                                         Philippians 3:12 – 14

Psalm 139:13 – 16                            Hebrews 12:3

Proverbs 15:22                                 Habakkuk 2:2

Jeremiah 29:11                                 I Corinthians 15:58

John 16:13                                           Proverbs 4:26

Psalm 91


Prayer for Today

Yes and Amen

February 28, 2016

Father, I have decided that this is my year of “YES”! No matter what the world throws at me, You have given me permission to pursue my greatness in You and to operate in the gifts, talents and abilities You have given me. (Romans 11:29) I am going to operate with this one truth being my foundation this year:

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” (II Corinthians 1:20)

All Your promises to me are “Yes” in Christ Jesus and I give the “amen” as a sign of agreement when I am obedient to what You say and, bring You glory through my obedience and unshaken faith. (Romans 4:19 – 21)

The promise of Your love for me is “yes”! (II Thessalonians 2:16 – 17)

Your promise of protection is a “yes” for me and my family! (Psalm 121:7 – 8)

Your promise of peace is a “yes” for me! (Colossians 3:15)

Your promise to give me the ability to make wealth is “Yes” in Christ Jesus! (Deuteronomy 8:18)

Your promise of my success is “yes”! (Proverbs 16:3)

Father, I thank You for these and so many other promises that You have made me. I will walk and operate in Your promises this year and will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Your answer to me concerning Your promises is always YES! In Jesus name pray. Amen.

Scripture reference:

Romans 11:29                     Deuteronomy 8:18

II Corinthians 1:20           Proverbs 16:3

Romans 4:19 – 21

II Thessalonians 2:16 – 17

Psalm 121:7 – 8

Colossians 3:15

Living Above Mediocrity

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Prayer for Today


January 27, 2016

Father, as I press to reach the greatness that You have deposited in me, I must remember that obedience to You is paramount in my quest to be all You created, planned and purposed me to be for Your glory. My obedience means more to You than any sacrifice I could make. (I Samuel 15:22)

I know You’re going to tell me to do some things, send me some down some paths that I don’t want to travel and allow me to go through some difficult and dark situations and circumstances. Father, in those times I need Your help maneuvering past my feelings so I can remain obedient to You because You require obedience. (Deuteronomy 5:33)

I may never know why You had me travel the paths where You led me but I still have to obey Your word in general (the Bible) and Your specific word to me. (Psalm 128:1) I know I will never achieve the greatness You have in store for me without my complete obedience to You. (Jeremiah 7:23)

Help me Father today and every day to submit to You. (Romans 6:19 and James 4:7) Help me not to hold anything back from You, but instead help me give You my everything and become Your love in the world as I become lost in You. (II John 1:6). In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Deuteronomy 5:33            James 4:7

I Samuel 15:22                    II John 1:6

Psalm 128:1

Jeremiah 7:23

Romans 6:19

Living Above Mediocrity

© Copy written materials

Prayer for Today

Jesus in the drivers seat

January 13, 2016

Father, as I begin to make plans and set goals for myself, my family and my professional life for this year, don’t let me forget that my plans must take a backseat to the plans You have for me. Nothing I plan is going to be better for me than what You have already ordained.

I know everything is not going to go the way I want it to go, but I am sure that everything will go the way You’ve ordained it to go if I allow You to lead me. Help me to mature to the point that when what You’ve ordained overrides my plans, I do not fret, complain or grumble. Instead of complaining I rest in the knowledge that You have my best interest at heart.

You planned my perfect path long ago, and You know what’s best for me. You will improve me until I fit into Your plan for me. Thank you, Lord, for caring enough about me that You planned for my greatness in the land of the living.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture References:

Proverbs 19:21

Psalms 65:9

Isaiah 25:1


Living Above Mediocrity

© Copy written material

Prayer for Today

God whisper


December 17, 2015

Father, today was not promised to me, but through Your wisdom, grace, mercy, purpose, and plan for my life, You saw fit to let me see another day. For this, I say thank You.

Lord God, help me to be purposeful and focused on my tasks today. Help me not to waste the energy You’ve given me or be unproductive in my time management. Help me to seize every opportunity to display Your great love for mankind in everything I do.

Help me to not walk in selfish ambition, pride or arrogance, but to walk in humility before You and man. Lord, guide me in obedience to Your plan today. Let me not look back and wonder, “what if,” nor let me look too far forward saying, “what then.”  Let me look at today as the blessing You created for me.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Scripture References:

Deuteronomy 30:16        Philippians 2:3

Colossians 3:15 Proverbs 11:2

Proverbs 24:29 – 31       Psalm 139:9 – 11

Proverbs 27:1                     Job 42:2

Matthew 6:34

Prayer for Today

Christ in Me

October 14, 2015

Father, today I have decided to allow what You say about me to define me. I have allowed what other people say, what advertisers say and what others have done to me to define me, but NO MORE!

As of today, I will allow Your word to define who I am; who You say I really am. I claim my authentic self in Jesus name. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalms 139:13 – 16

John 15:16

Ephesians 1:11

Prayer for Today

Anchor Holds

October 7, 2015

“When Darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.” – Edward Mote “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”

This morning Lord I want to thank You for Your Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ, who is my Anchor in the midst of my storms, hardships, heartaches and difficult situations. He is my all and all.

Father, when I could be lost in the despair of the situation; the wars and rumors of wars that are always swirling around us, the mass murders that are taking place in our country because bureaucrats refuse to pass simply laws that will hold people accountable or the financial hardship so many people are going through right now, but Jesus holds me close in the midst of all the raging storms going on around me.

Lord I thank You for my Anchor, Who not only holds me close in the midst of the storm going on around me but, holds me close to Him when the storms of fear, doubt, unforgiveness, guilt, shame and discontent are raging in me. Jesus is the Anchor that holds me fast no matter what is going on in or around me. In Christ I am secure! I thank You and pray this prayer in Jesus name. Amen.

“But if the storms don’t cease and if the winds keep on blowing in my life. My soul has been anchored in the Lord.” – Douglass Miller “My Soul Has Been Anchored”

Scripture references:

Deuteronomy 33:12                      Zechariah 10:12

Job 11:8                                        Colossians 2:5

Psalm 7:9                                       Hebrews 6:16 – 20

Psalm 16:5                                     II Peter 3:17

Psalm 112:8

Proverbs 14:26

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Prayer for Today

peace rock

Bible reading challenge:

Read all the scriptures referenced at the bottom of each pray. Today, fill in the lines below with your prayer requests.

September 28, 2015

Father You are my peace. More than just my peace, You are my Shalom. You are the reason I am complete; nothing missing out of my life, nothing out of place. You are the fulfillment of everything I need, when the need arises.

When everything seems to be going to hell in a handbasket, You lift up a standard again the enemy. Not just my enemies in the world, or my immortal enemy, but you lift up a standard against my enemies that rage in me.

You lift up a standard against the fear, doubt, anger, envy and jealousy that war in me. You lift up a standard against low self-esteem, low self-worth and my feeling guilty and ashamed of things I have done. Your love for me lifts me above the fray of the world and my shortcomings. When nothing else can help, Your love lifts me and gives me peace.

Lord, no matter what goes on today, help me to rest in Your peace. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalm 34:4 – 5                                  Romans 5:1

Psalm 103:11 – 14                             Romans 8:1 – 4

Isaiah 59:19                                       Philippians 4:7 – 9

Isaiah 61:7                                          I Peter 5:7

John 16:33

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Prayer for Today

Plug into the power of prayer

Bible reading challenge:

Read all the scriptures referenced at the bottom of each pray. Today, fill in the lines below with your prayer requests.

September 18, 2015

Lord God, with man things are impossible but with You, nothing is impossible!

Father it seems that one thing after another keeps springing up in my life. Just when I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, BAM, all goes black again because another issue has come up. I’m shaking my head! It feels like it will never stop!

On the outside it looks impossible but nothing is impossible for You. On the surface it looks like I’ll never make it through all the obstacles that are draining my finances, swallowing up my peace of mind and attacking my joy. I am exhausted just thinking about it all!

That is why I’m bringing all my baggage to You. Father, I need Your help with

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I know Lord You will make sure that You will work everything out for my good, even the day of payment for the wicked. My hope is in You therefore I rest in You, my hope of glory! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

 Reference scriptures:

Psalm 145:18 – 19               John 15:7

Proverb 16:4                         Romans 8:28

Matthew 6:5 – 8                   I John 3:21 – 22

Matthew 17:20

Mark 10:27

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