Prayer for Today

God is preparing you for greatness

February 3, 2016

Father, You have given me a heart to go after my destiny by using the gifts, talents and abilities You placed in me at the beginning of time. Now Lord, give me the plan for fulfilling my life purpose.

Lord, put good people around me as wise counsel so my plans will succeed. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me into all Your truths. Allow me to write the vision You’ve given me for my ministry/my business. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the help of others, I will see my vision come to fruition. Strengthen my heart so that I will not grow weary of doing good.

Help me to focus on my destiny not my past Lord so I can remain steadfast, immovable and not swayed by the storms of life. If I keep my eyes on You, I will remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, who no foe can stand against.

This year I will be steadfast in pursuit of my destiny! I will not be defeated! This is my “Yes” year! In Jesus name. Amen.

Living Above Mediocrity

Scripture References:

Psalm 20:4                                         Philippians 3:12 – 14

Psalm 139:13 – 16                            Hebrews 12:3

Proverbs 15:22                                 Habakkuk 2:2

Jeremiah 29:11                                 I Corinthians 15:58

John 16:13                                           Proverbs 4:26

Psalm 91


Prayer for Today

God is greater than

January 22, 2016

Lord, You said, “As a man thinks so is he.” So today, I think I am greater than any adversity that may come against me, because greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world. I think I am more than a conquer through Jesus Christ my Lord. I think You are able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than I can ever ask, think or even imagine. I think that You are my hope, song, joy, and contentment in the middle of my battles.

I think that I am the head and not the tail, the first and not the last. I think You will perfect everything that concerns me. I think that I have been made to prosper spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially in this life. I don’t have to wait until I get to heaven to live a life full of promise, hope and goodwill. I believe that You have purposed that I will live a life full and abundant with everything I need according to Your riches in glory right now.

I think that my family is blessed. I think that the works of my hands are blessed. I think that I am blessed and that I operate in wisdom, power and authority. As I think so I am, therefore I will think upon Your Word and I will be blessed.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture Reference:

Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)                                     III John 2

I John 4:4                                                           John 10:10

Romans 8:37                                                     Roman 9:22 – 24

Ephesians 3:20                                                I Chronicles 13:14

I Samuel 17:47                                                  Job 36:11

Psalms 118:14

Deuteronomy 28:13

Deuteronomy 28:8

Prayer for Today

This prayer is designed so that when we pray it, we are praying for everyone else reading this prayer. We are asking God to bless, keep, restore shelter and protect everyone else. We are praying in agreement with each other. When we do this, we are following God’s word:

Matthew 18:19 (ESV)

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.”

September 21, 2015

Heavenly Father, our most gracious and loving God, I pray asking that You would abundantly bless everyone reading this prayer and their families. Please bless them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially. They need a five-fold blessing!

Father Your word says that with the measure that we’ve measured out so shall it be measured back to us.  Your word says that as we sow so shall we also reap. Your word clearly states that if we give, it will be given unto us; in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

Father, I ask right now that You would release spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and/or financial blessing into the homes, the hands and into the lives of everyone who is reading this prayer. You know exactly what each family needs. You are our Jehovah Jireh, our provision already met. Everything our families need has already been provided by You.

Father we are asking for the manifestation in the earth of what has already been ordained in heaven. Out of Your bounty in heaven, pour forth everything we need in accordance with Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. We stand in agreement with each other and with Your word. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Here are your scripture readings for today

Scripture references:

Malachi 3:6 – 12                              Romans 12:3

Matthew 6:10                                  II Corinthians 9:16

Matthew 16:19                                Galatians 6:7 – 8

Matthew 18:18 – 19                       Philippians 4:19

Mark 4:22 – 24                               James 3:18

Mark 11:22 – 24                              James 5:16

Luke 6:38

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Prayer for Today

 Created Chosen Called

Bible reading challenge:

Read all the scriptures referenced at the bottom of each pray.

September 16, 2015

God, the Father of heaven and earth, show me what I have in my life that I can give to You to help Your people. Lord, help me to see beyond the obvious, to look past what I see with my natural eye that may stop me from giving my best.

Father, I give you all my past hurts and shames that are holding me back. I give You my less than stellar esteem of myself and exchange it for esteeming myself in Christ Jesus. In Christ, there is no condemnation. In Christ, there is no shame. In Christ, my uniqueness is my strong suit for carrying out the tasks You prepared for me before the beginning of mankind.

Savior, help me to know and understand, through Godly wisdom, that I have been ordained by You for service. I have been given my gifts, talents and abilities to be utilized by You to help further the kingdom of God here on earth.

Give me the courage to use my gifts for You. Give me the courage to ignore what people may say and listen to only what You say so I may use my gifts as You have deemed appropriate. Give me Your strength and endurance so I can fulfill Your will for my life.

I believe You will answer my prayer. I thank You in advance for Your faithfulness to Your word over my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Deuteronomy 31:6

Psalm 139:16

Proverb 19:21

Romans 8:1

Romans 12:1 – 21

I Corinthians 2:9

Ephesians 2:10

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Prayer For Today

God can restore - Isaiah scripture

Bible reading challenge:

Read all the scriptures referenced at the bottom of each pray.

September 15, 2015

Father, I want to thank You this morning for Your protection from dangers seen and unseen. You have been protecting me all my life, sometimes it didn’t feel like You were there, but even then You were protecting me from things and people that could have changed the course of my life for the worse or even taken my life.

Father sometimes Your protection is in the form of rejection, which is never a pleasant experience. Rejection makes my heart sink, causes me to feel inferior and makes me want to hide away because my feelings are hurt but, the reality is this: You use rejection as a tool to keep me safe from people, situations and circumstances that You know are not a part of Your call and plan for my life. Help me to see rejection as a gift from You.

Father, sometimes You use financial difficulty, illness or even the loss of a loved one to keep me safe and protect me from the schemes and plans of the enemy.

Lord, I declare that starting today I will not fight against Your protection of me. I will not grow angry, resentful or envious of others when You are at work covering, keeping and protecting me. Thank You for loving me so much You are willing to do whatever it takes to protect me from any and every one, or thing, that would harm me. You even protect me from me! Thank you Father!

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Jeremiah 24

Malachi 3:17

Ephesians 6:10 – 18

I Peter 5:8

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Prayer For Today

Bible reading challenge:

Read all the scriptures referenced at the bottom of each pray.

If you already read the reference scriptures at the bottom of the prayers, then read the scriptures again AND, go to the references scriptures in your bible and read those as well. Don’t have references scriptures in your Bible? YOU NEED A NEW BIBLE…one with reference scriptures by each verse or one with footnotes.

September 10, 2015

Prayer for Today

Father, I pray for a spirit of diligence. Too often I start out doing something and then I allow it to fall to the wayside. No matter what it is that I start; a new eating program, an exercise program, spending more time with You, I always starts well but I don’t continue in my pursuit.

I get discouraged, frustrated and sometime even bored so I stop doing what I need to do and go back to doing the very things I want to stop doing. Father, forgive me and help me!

Father I know Your word says that the diligent become rich, not just rich in money but rich in our knowledge of You, our character and our ability to withstand obstacles when they come against me while I doing Your will.

I know Your word says that I will get what I want if I don’t stop doing what is right and I continue to press forward. I also know that a sluggard, someone who is too lazy to continue to do what they’re supposed to do, will want things but won’t get anything. I am not a sluggard and will not live as a sluggard. I will get what I want because I will trust and believe Your word Lord and I will be diligent.

I thank You Lord because the Holy Spirit in me will press me towards diligence! In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Scripture references:

Proverb 10:4

Proverb 13:4

Philippians 3:14

Galatians 6:9

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Be Careful

No evil trio


Luke 6:45

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

When I was a child there was a song that our children’s choir sang that said, “Be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down with love. So be careful little eyes what you see.” The song went on to warn ears to be careful what they hear and little tongues to be careful what they say. I don’t know if children choirs still sing this song in most churches today, but I think they should because this song is correct in its warnings.

What we take in through our eye and ear gates is going to be what we put into our hearts and what comes out through our mouths!

If you know someone with a nasty attitude or a sour disposition and you HATE talking to them because you know they are going to be negative, nasty or uncooperative, it is because they have taken in nasty, negative uncooperative things. Jesus said it best in the above quoted scripture. We act, respond and deal with other people and things based on what’s in our hearts.

We take in so much without really thinking about it. We watch all types of TV shows, “The Have and Have Nots”, “Devious Maids, “Scandal”, “Modern Family”, “Blacklist” “Empire” and the list goes on and on. Do we ever stop and think about what we’re really taking into our hearts and minds? Do we really stop and think about the type of lifestyles we’re cheering for while we watch our favorite shows?

We read and watch all types of videos and stories on-line. We watch and read stories of people fighting each other in the street, bullies mistreating other people at school, teachers being hit and beat while they are trying to teach their classes, near pornographic dance moves and again, the list goes on and on. And we sit there looking and listening, in taking without thinking that these images and words are going to manifest themselves in us at one time or another.

I know I’m guilty of leaving of eye and ear gates open to feeding my heart ungodliness. So how about you? What are you taking in through your eye and ear gates?

“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:10

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You Were Chosen

Picked out


Matthew 22:14

For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

When I chose a rose for my garden, I don’t pick it based on one characteristics of the rose; I pick it based on the totality of the rose. So not only do I pick a rose based on its color, I chose it on how the blooms are going to look. Will the blooms have lots and lots of petals or just a few?  I chose it based on the fragrance; is it lightly fragranced or is it heavily fragranced?  Does it smell like honey or does it smell like a traditional rose?

I also look at the type of leaves the rose is going to have. Will the leaves be bright green and shiny or will they be a matted green? I also look at the stem of the roses; will they be long-stemmed so I can use the rose in a single rose vase or will they be short stemmed so I can use them in an arrangement?

So you see, everything that the rose is goes into my decision-making process of whether or not I’m going to plant the rose in my garden. Yes, each facet of the rose is important, but one piece without the others doesn’t make the rose what it really is. It is the totality of the rose plant that makes the rose what I want in my garden.

God does the same thing with us. When God chooses us to do a particular assignment He chooses us based on the totality of who we are; our temperament, the things that we’ve gone through in order to bring us to the place where we are now, our looks, our background and upbringing. All these things make us who we are and are the reasons God chooses us for our assignments.

Unfortunately, all too often we look at ourselves through the eyes of the world system and only see what we think the world sees when it looks at us. The world system says over and over again, we have to be super model thin in order to be considered worthy of being called attractive. The world system says we have to be rich or famous in order to be counted amount those whom others should listen to. The world system says we have to be educated with the right type of degrees and from the right schools or we’ll be outsiders and not allowed to join them at the popular table. But, no matter what the world tells us, it does not stop God from doing what He’s going to do and it shouldn’t stop us from doing what God has assigned us to do.

If God has given you an assignment, and He has given us all an assignment, what the world system says about you doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. When God gave each of us our assignments, He has already measured the totality of who we are and He knows we can successfully complete the assignment.

The world system only knows the labels it has placed on us. God knows who He created us to be.


“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” I Corinthians 1:27


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Prayer for Today

Man with bills


August 6, 2016

Father, I know so many people who are suffering financially right now. I know for some people their financial problems are their own making; over spending, using their credit cards without a plan or a thought and being a glutton when it comes to material things.

For others Lord, their financial problems came about because of loss of job, downsized salary, college for their children, or maybe for themselves, divorce or illness. No matter the reason for the financial stress and stretch they find themselves in, I pray that You will deliver them out of everyone.

We know when we go after money rather than coming after You, and Your will for our lives, we show a love of money, which is the root of all evil. This is because we know that You will supply all our needs according to the riches of Your glory in Jesus Christ. We know that Your word says that money answers all things, but we are to seek Your kingdom first, and everything else we need will be added to us.

Father, in the midst of the financial pressures that Your people are experiencing, please help us stay focused on You and Your will for our lives. Our hope is in You. We need You to be true to Your word and provide us as only You can. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Ecclesiastes 10:19

I Timothy 6:10

Philippians 4:19

Matthew 6:33


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The Same but Different


James 1:13 – 15

When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.  Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

I have a dozen roses in my front yard. I basically care for each of them the same way; I feed and water them at the same time, clip them when they need it and make sure the soil nutrient levels are correct. I care for them equally.

My Double Delight rose, which is pictured above, is right at my front door because it’s beautiful and has a strong honey sweet aroma. When you walk up to my door and Double Delight is in bloom, the last thing you smell before you come into my house is the sweet fragrance of the rose. YUMMY!

The problem with the Double Delight is it is susceptible to black spots and yellow leaves. It is so susceptible to the disease that I have to pay special attention to the rose all summer because if I allow the disease a little room it will destroy every leaf on the Double Delight and defoliate the rose completely.

Right next to the Double Delight I have the John F. Kennedy rose; which is beautiful too but in a very different way than the Double Delight. The John F. Kennedy rose is not susceptible to black spots or yellow leaves but, Japanese Beatles LOVE the John F. Kennedy but they don’t really care for the Double Delight. So, even though the two roses are sitting right next to each other in the garden, they have too different challenges that I have to content with in order to keep them alive and healthy.

It is the same way for us in the Body of Christ. We have been engrafted into the Body of Christ by His redemptive blood and His finished work on the cross. We have been made spiritual siblings and yet, we are all tempted and drawn away from God by our own temptations.

What tempts you to turn away from your relationship with Christ may not bother me at all and what tempts me may not cause you to think about it twice. You see, just like my roses, we are individuals with different challenges, needs and desires. Coming to Christ doesn’t make us clones, it makes us saved. We are still the people we were before our salvation.

Our struggles are the same, our issues are the same, our aptitudes are the same, and the things we are susceptible to are the same. The difference is how we handle the struggles and the issues. The difference is how we handle the temptations. We are all the same; we all have struggles, issues and temptations but we are all different in how we handle them. None of us have any room to throw stones at someone else.

This is why we can’t judge someone else’s walk in Christ. We can’t judge how God is using them, or not, when or how. We don’t know all the particulars in that person life. Only God knows that and He is the one that directs the steps of us all.

One reason I love gardening is because flowers don’t have the ability to look over at another flower and try to compare themselves, whether for better or for worse. They don’t have the ability to see what I’m doing to one plant that I may not be doing to or for them. There is no envy or jealousy between plants like there often is between people.

While we are all the same in Christ because God is not a respecter of person, we are all very different and He treats us different according to His call on our lives.


“But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.” Galatians 6:4


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