Prayer for Today

Ordered Steps

February 9, 2016

Father, today I thank You for ordering my steps. I don’t always enjoy the way You direct my path, but I’m thankful. I know that even in the most difficult times, if I’ve been obedient to Your word and Your will for my life, You always lead and guide me into all truth.

Honestly Father, there are times I feel like I’m walking blind, deaf and dumb. I can’t see where You’re taking me. I don’t hear any familiar sounds around me and it seems that no one is listening to me, as if I weren’t talking at all. But, then Lord, when I’m ready to give up and throw in the towel You remind me that You will guide me. You are my light in dark places. You make the rough places smooth and the crooked paths straight.

Lord, as I set out today I will not worry or fret about the unknown. I will trust and know that You have my best interest at heart. Thank You, Father, for being here with me all the time, leading, guiding and protecting me in every situation.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture References:

Psalm 37:23

Nehemiah 9:19

Isaiah 42:16

Isaiah 40:4

Living Above Mediocrity

© Copy Written Material

Prayer for Today

God is preparing you for greatness

February 3, 2016

Father, You have given me a heart to go after my destiny by using the gifts, talents and abilities You placed in me at the beginning of time. Now Lord, give me the plan for fulfilling my life purpose.

Lord, put good people around me as wise counsel so my plans will succeed. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me into all Your truths. Allow me to write the vision You’ve given me for my ministry/my business. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the help of others, I will see my vision come to fruition. Strengthen my heart so that I will not grow weary of doing good.

Help me to focus on my destiny not my past Lord so I can remain steadfast, immovable and not swayed by the storms of life. If I keep my eyes on You, I will remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, who no foe can stand against.

This year I will be steadfast in pursuit of my destiny! I will not be defeated! This is my “Yes” year! In Jesus name. Amen.

Living Above Mediocrity

Scripture References:

Psalm 20:4                                         Philippians 3:12 – 14

Psalm 139:13 – 16                            Hebrews 12:3

Proverbs 15:22                                 Habakkuk 2:2

Jeremiah 29:11                                 I Corinthians 15:58

John 16:13                                           Proverbs 4:26

Psalm 91


Prayer for Today

Father God, I pray the part of the Lord’s Prayer that says, “Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven” often without thinking about it, but today I am asking for Your will to be done in my life.

Father, You know what good, right is and perfect for me, because every good and perfect gift comes from You. You know exactly what I need and when I need it. You know how to show Your strength, power and righteousness throughout my life. Today I commit to submit to Your overarching authority in my life. I permit You to have Your perfect way in me.

Lord, when my flesh starts to scream because it is uncomfortable, comfort me by your Holy Spirit. I’ve been praying for ________________________________________ (Fill in whatever you’ve been praying for. Some examples: a closer walk with God, a healthier lifestyle, a mate, a change of heart in your children, a financial blessing, deliverance from past pains, etc.) I know the first step to getting my prayers answered is for Your will to be done in my life.

I have tried to achieve what I want my way and it hasn’t worked. I have tried to fulfill my call and my purpose the way I thought was best but all I’ve done is messed up and left pieces of my dreams shattered throughout my life. NO MORE! Now God, I will do things Your way.

I will not listen to unwise council. I will keep my eyes steadfast and fixed on You because You are the author, the perfecter and the finisher of my faith.

In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Scripture References:


Matthew 6:10                                                  Proverbs 15:21 – 23

Matthew 7:11                                                   I Peter 5:10

James 2:23                                                         Hebrews 12:2

Romans 12:1 – 2

II Corinthians 1:2 – 4

Living Above Mediocrity

(c) Copy written material

Prayer for Today


January 27, 2016

Father, as I press to reach the greatness that You have deposited in me, I must remember that obedience to You is paramount in my quest to be all You created, planned and purposed me to be for Your glory. My obedience means more to You than any sacrifice I could make. (I Samuel 15:22)

I know You’re going to tell me to do some things, send me some down some paths that I don’t want to travel and allow me to go through some difficult and dark situations and circumstances. Father, in those times I need Your help maneuvering past my feelings so I can remain obedient to You because You require obedience. (Deuteronomy 5:33)

I may never know why You had me travel the paths where You led me but I still have to obey Your word in general (the Bible) and Your specific word to me. (Psalm 128:1) I know I will never achieve the greatness You have in store for me without my complete obedience to You. (Jeremiah 7:23)

Help me Father today and every day to submit to You. (Romans 6:19 and James 4:7) Help me not to hold anything back from You, but instead help me give You my everything and become Your love in the world as I become lost in You. (II John 1:6). In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Deuteronomy 5:33            James 4:7

I Samuel 15:22                    II John 1:6

Psalm 128:1

Jeremiah 7:23

Romans 6:19

Living Above Mediocrity

© Copy written materials

Prayer for Today


January 25, 2016

Father God, speaking “greater is coming” but not acting like I believe that it’s true is a waste of time.

I know acting like I believe it means that I change my words and my actions. Father God, help me to change my action so, by the power that You have invested in me, I can bring about the greater that I keep saying is coming.

My actions must show that I’ve moved from doubt and fear to belief and faith. My actions should show that I’ve left past failure in the past and am moving forward to greater triumphant.

Father, if I really believe that greater is coming, I must set aside time to spend with You one-on-one because it is through You; Your word and Your spirit, that my faith will be built up to believe that greater is here, in me and even more greater works will I do.

Father, help me to set aside unnecessary stuff so I can get in Your face, which is the face of greater. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Proverbs 29:25

Mark 4:40

Romans 15:13

II Thessalonians 1:11

James 2:14 – 16


Prayer for Today

I Thess 5 16

January 12, 2016

Father, as I take the time to look back over the last year, I realize I need to ask for Your forgiveness. Last year I didn’t focus on You. I didn’t focus on the goodness or the kindness You showed me every day.

I was focused on the things of this world – my financial shortfalls, the things I wanted that didn’t seem to come my way.  I focused on what I don’t have much more than I focused on the good You provided to me every day. For this, I am sorry and ask for Your forgiveness.

Lord, this year I commit to being more thankful. I will be thankful for Your love, Your goodness and Your provisions. I may not have everything I want, but You promised to supply my needs, not my greed. I may not have what I think someone else has, but I know You have my best interest at heart. I may not be able to accomplish everything I think I want to, but help me to accomplish everything You purpose me to do.

Lord, I commit to focusing on You, Your love and the mercy You show me and my family. I will purpose to be in a position of praising You for everything I have every day, and I will not complain as much this year as I did last year. I will allow Your grace and mercy to speak out of my life and into the world so that people can come to know You for themselves.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture References:

Philippians 4:19
Hebrews 12:28 – 29
Ephesians 2:4 – 5
I John 1:9
Numbers 23:19

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Prayer for Today

God is in the business of restoring lives

October 28, 2015

Father I feel like I have so much going on that I don’t have time to do anything!

I feel like I’m always busy but nothing in being accomplished. I feel like no matter how much I take off my to-do list, there is always 20 other things I don’t get done! It seems to never end and I’m exhausted, and frustrated by it all.

Sometimes I wish I could just run away were no one can find me and just sit still and quiet for a little while, just to get my wits about me.

Father, I need to run to You! I need to do like Jesus did and steal away by myself, and just sit and focus on You without other people around me trying to get my attention.

Lord, whether it is the early morning, late at night or during my lunch hour, help me to earmark time to be alone with You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture References:

Matthew 14:23

Mark 1:35

Luke 5:16

Luke 6:12

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Prayer For Today

Plug into the power of prayer

October 26, 2015

Father, Your word says that You sent Your son Jesus to give us life and that we would have life more abundantly through Him. Too often I find myself living a life of lack of the things that really matter. I find myself living a life that lacks peace of mind, joy, contentment and peace. I find myself complaining about what I don’t have, what I didn’t get and what I can’t do, rather than thinking about and being grateful for what You’ve given me, allowed me to obtain and Your favor that rest on my life. Forgive me for taking for granted all the great and wonderful things You’ve made available to me that I don’t take advantage of on a regular basis.

Father, I will not just live, I will thrive and prosper beyond the normal. Not thriving and prosper in just material things, but thriving and prosper in the things that will make me a better person; a better child to my parents, a better parent to my children, a better husband or wife to my spouse and a better child to You.

I will prosper by reading Your word, praying to You on a regular basis, obeying Your word and being diligent in doing the things I know are right.

I will live above the fray of mediocrity. I will live with my mind on things I can do to help the world be a better place and with my mind steadfast on You. I will not live beneath my spiritual blessings, which You have provided for me through Christ Jesus. I will live in the overflow and outpouring of Your love. I will not live just getting by but I will live standing on Your promises to me, Your child. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

John 6:35 – 40                 Numbers 23:19 – 20

John 10:10                          Philippians 3:16

III John 2

Galatians 3:14

Psalm 145:13

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Prayer for Today

Anchor Holds

October 7, 2015

“When Darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.” – Edward Mote “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”

This morning Lord I want to thank You for Your Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ, who is my Anchor in the midst of my storms, hardships, heartaches and difficult situations. He is my all and all.

Father, when I could be lost in the despair of the situation; the wars and rumors of wars that are always swirling around us, the mass murders that are taking place in our country because bureaucrats refuse to pass simply laws that will hold people accountable or the financial hardship so many people are going through right now, but Jesus holds me close in the midst of all the raging storms going on around me.

Lord I thank You for my Anchor, Who not only holds me close in the midst of the storm going on around me but, holds me close to Him when the storms of fear, doubt, unforgiveness, guilt, shame and discontent are raging in me. Jesus is the Anchor that holds me fast no matter what is going on in or around me. In Christ I am secure! I thank You and pray this prayer in Jesus name. Amen.

“But if the storms don’t cease and if the winds keep on blowing in my life. My soul has been anchored in the Lord.” – Douglass Miller “My Soul Has Been Anchored”

Scripture references:

Deuteronomy 33:12                      Zechariah 10:12

Job 11:8                                        Colossians 2:5

Psalm 7:9                                       Hebrews 6:16 – 20

Psalm 16:5                                     II Peter 3:17

Psalm 112:8

Proverbs 14:26

© Copy written material

Prayer for Today


September 30, 2015

Father, if I think back, take a good look at my life and am honest with myself, I have no reason to complain. If I take the time to examine where You brought me from and what You’ve brought me through I see the good You have shown me over the course of my days far out weights the bad. Thank You!

Even in the bad times You were working to mature and groom me in an effort to prepare me to become the person You created me to be. Today Father, I will not complain about whatever comes my way. Instead of complaining I will thank You for Your goodness and Your mercy, which is new to me every morning.

I will take time to consider Your goodness toward me and I will speak of Your love for me all day long. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Lamentations 3:39

Matthew 6:25 – 34

Philippians 4:11 – 12

I Timothy 6:6-8

Hebrews 13:5

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