Word for Today

Crown of thorns

Numbers 33:55-56 (NIV)

55 “‘But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in the land where you will live. 56 And then I will do to you what I plan to do to them.’”

I can’t believe we’re seven week away from a New Year! I’m already thinking about the things I want or need to change, fix, tweak or get rid of in 2016. I’m assessing what I said I wanted to do in 2015 verses what I actually did. I’m also assessing my relationships with friends and family members and I have to acknowledge some of them aren’t working.

Over the course of my life I have learned how to let go of some folks. I may have held onto them out of habit, comfort, my desire to change them or my desire not to change what’s not working. But, I have also had to learn that there’s a difference in helping someone and carrying someone.

Sometimes I have to be honest and say that they are dragging me down more than I’m lifting them up. They are burdening me down and I seem to be more worried about their stuff than they are. Ever been there?

Sometimes you gotta drink a big glass of realism, straight with no chaser, and admit you have to release some people. Releasing them doesn’t mean you’re better than them or that you’ve given up on them, it just means that God’s better suited to change them than you are.

People aren’t going to be happy with your decision but you’ve got to decide if you want to reap from God what they’ve sown. In verse 56 above God says, “’And then I will do to you what I plan to do to them.”’ That’s a no go for me! I want to reap the harvest from the seeds I’ve planted, no one else’s.

As we approach 2016 we need to remember there is only one relationship that we have that’s intended to last through out eternity and that’s our relationship with God through Christ. Ask God for discernment regarding relationships whose seasons are over and act accordingly.

Much love to you!

© copy written material

Prayer for Today

Sword Sharper than Two Edge Sword

Father, Your Word says I should seek Your counsel first, but seeking Your counsel takes so much time. Seeking Your counsel means I have to stop what I’m doing, read Your Word, think about what You’re conveying to me and then I have to internalize it. Lord seeking Your counsel takes effort and time.

The world system is constantly giving me its counsel without my asking for it. I don’t have to stop what I’m doing; I can just keep watching TV, listening to the radio or reading books that have nothing to do with my relationship with You and the world system keeps pouring its counsel into my ears. It may not be good counsel but they just keep it coming!

I’ve come to the realization that the world system does not have my best interest at heart. I need Your counsel and the input from other people who operate in Godly wisdom because I’m tired of making decisions that don’t give me what I want or worse, end up being bad decisions.

Lord God, I’m ready to make the effort to listen to Your counsel. I know that listening to You and those who operate in Your wisdom will propel me forward so I can make good decisions and become who You have purposed me to be from the beginning of time. Father God, help me! In Jesus name I pray and say, amen.

Scripture References:

I King 22:5                         Matthew 7:13

Psalm 73:24                       Mark 1:35

Proverb 8:14                     Hebrews 4:11 – 16

Proverb 12:15

Proverb 15:22

© Copy written material

Prayer for Today

Sword Sharper than Two Edge Sword

Father, Your Word says I should seek Your counsel first, but seeking Your counsel takes so much time. Seeking Your counsel means I have to stop what I’m doing, read Your Word, think about what You’re conveying to me and then I have to internalize it. Lord seeking Your counsel takes effort and time.

The world system is constantly giving me its counsel without my asking for it. I don’t have to stop what I’m doing; I can just keep watching TV, listening to the radio or reading books that have nothing to do with my relationship with You and the world system keeps pouring its counsel into my ears. It may not be good counsel but they just keep it coming!

I’ve come to the realization that the world system does not have my best interest at heart. I need Your counsel and the input from other people who operate in Godly wisdom because I’m tired of making decisions that don’t give me what I want or worse, end up being bad decisions.

Lord God, I’m ready to make the effort to listen to Your counsel. I know that listening to You and those who operate in Your wisdom will propel me forward so I can make good decisions and become who You have purposed me to be from the beginning of time. Father God, help me! In Jesus name I pray and say, amen.

Scripture References:

I King 22:5                         Matthew 7:13

Psalm 73:24                       Mark 1:35

Proverb 8:14                     Hebrews 4:11 – 16

Proverb 12:15

Proverb 15:22

© Copy written material