Prayer for Today

Ordered Steps

February 9, 2016

Father, today I thank You for ordering my steps. I don’t always enjoy the way You direct my path, but I’m thankful. I know that even in the most difficult times, if I’ve been obedient to Your word and Your will for my life, You always lead and guide me into all truth.

Honestly Father, there are times I feel like I’m walking blind, deaf and dumb. I can’t see where You’re taking me. I don’t hear any familiar sounds around me and it seems that no one is listening to me, as if I weren’t talking at all. But, then Lord, when I’m ready to give up and throw in the towel You remind me that You will guide me. You are my light in dark places. You make the rough places smooth and the crooked paths straight.

Lord, as I set out today I will not worry or fret about the unknown. I will trust and know that You have my best interest at heart. Thank You, Father, for being here with me all the time, leading, guiding and protecting me in every situation.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture References:

Psalm 37:23

Nehemiah 9:19

Isaiah 42:16

Isaiah 40:4

Living Above Mediocrity

© Copy Written Material

Prayer for Today

Jesus in the drivers seat

January 13, 2016

Father, as I begin to make plans and set goals for myself, my family and my professional life for this year, don’t let me forget that my plans must take a backseat to the plans You have for me. Nothing I plan is going to be better for me than what You have already ordained.

I know everything is not going to go the way I want it to go, but I am sure that everything will go the way You’ve ordained it to go if I allow You to lead me. Help me to mature to the point that when what You’ve ordained overrides my plans, I do not fret, complain or grumble. Instead of complaining I rest in the knowledge that You have my best interest at heart.

You planned my perfect path long ago, and You know what’s best for me. You will improve me until I fit into Your plan for me. Thank you, Lord, for caring enough about me that You planned for my greatness in the land of the living.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Scripture References:

Proverbs 19:21

Psalms 65:9

Isaiah 25:1


Living Above Mediocrity

© Copy written material

Prayer for Today

peace rock

Bible reading challenge:

Read all the scriptures referenced at the bottom of each pray. Today, fill in the lines below with your prayer requests.

September 28, 2015

Father You are my peace. More than just my peace, You are my Shalom. You are the reason I am complete; nothing missing out of my life, nothing out of place. You are the fulfillment of everything I need, when the need arises.

When everything seems to be going to hell in a handbasket, You lift up a standard again the enemy. Not just my enemies in the world, or my immortal enemy, but you lift up a standard against my enemies that rage in me.

You lift up a standard against the fear, doubt, anger, envy and jealousy that war in me. You lift up a standard against low self-esteem, low self-worth and my feeling guilty and ashamed of things I have done. Your love for me lifts me above the fray of the world and my shortcomings. When nothing else can help, Your love lifts me and gives me peace.

Lord, no matter what goes on today, help me to rest in Your peace. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalm 34:4 – 5                                  Romans 5:1

Psalm 103:11 – 14                             Romans 8:1 – 4

Isaiah 59:19                                       Philippians 4:7 – 9

Isaiah 61:7                                          I Peter 5:7

John 16:33

© Copy written material

Transition Through Discomfort

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18 – 19 (NIV)

I realized that the place of my greatest discomfort is the starting point for my new beginning. When true discomfort sets in, I look for a way out. A way to change my circumstances and outcomes. I look for a way to alleviate my discomfort. This is the starting point for relieve from the old to move me to a new place.

I realized that my discomfort comes after God has been trying to move me out of my old and familiar comfort zone into something new, but I have resisted the change. I don’t always like new. I figure if it’s working why change it. But I serve a God who is not stagnate nor stale. He wants to do new things in my life so I can experience the fullness of his love, peace and joy. He wants me to move unto the fullness of his plan for me.

God knows I can’t get to or move further into my Promised Land if I stay where I am. I have to move. I have to change if I want God’s best for me.

So, after I’ve done everything I know to do and can’t find a remedy to the problem or, provide a resolution to a difficult situation, I throw up both my hands and say, “God, do it.” Right then, I have entered into a new beginning.

God’s ways are not my ways. His thoughts are not my thoughts. He’s not going to do it my way. It’s going to be a new way that leads me to new things. It’s going to be his way. My transition to new happened because of my discomfort.

Can I get an “Amen” for transitioning through discomfort?Discomfort