Prayer For Today

Bible reading challenge:

Read all the scriptures referenced at the bottom of each pray.

If you already read the reference scriptures at the bottom of the prayers, then read the scriptures again AND, go to the references scriptures in your bible and read those as well. Don’t have references scriptures in your Bible? YOU NEED A NEW BIBLE…one with reference scriptures by each verse or one with footnotes.

September 10, 2015

Prayer for Today

Father, I pray for a spirit of diligence. Too often I start out doing something and then I allow it to fall to the wayside. No matter what it is that I start; a new eating program, an exercise program, spending more time with You, I always starts well but I don’t continue in my pursuit.

I get discouraged, frustrated and sometime even bored so I stop doing what I need to do and go back to doing the very things I want to stop doing. Father, forgive me and help me!

Father I know Your word says that the diligent become rich, not just rich in money but rich in our knowledge of You, our character and our ability to withstand obstacles when they come against me while I doing Your will.

I know Your word says that I will get what I want if I don’t stop doing what is right and I continue to press forward. I also know that a sluggard, someone who is too lazy to continue to do what they’re supposed to do, will want things but won’t get anything. I am not a sluggard and will not live as a sluggard. I will get what I want because I will trust and believe Your word Lord and I will be diligent.

I thank You Lord because the Holy Spirit in me will press me towards diligence! In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Scripture references:

Proverb 10:4

Proverb 13:4

Philippians 3:14

Galatians 6:9

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You Were Chosen

Picked out


Matthew 22:14

For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

When I chose a rose for my garden, I don’t pick it based on one characteristics of the rose; I pick it based on the totality of the rose. So not only do I pick a rose based on its color, I chose it on how the blooms are going to look. Will the blooms have lots and lots of petals or just a few?  I chose it based on the fragrance; is it lightly fragranced or is it heavily fragranced?  Does it smell like honey or does it smell like a traditional rose?

I also look at the type of leaves the rose is going to have. Will the leaves be bright green and shiny or will they be a matted green? I also look at the stem of the roses; will they be long-stemmed so I can use the rose in a single rose vase or will they be short stemmed so I can use them in an arrangement?

So you see, everything that the rose is goes into my decision-making process of whether or not I’m going to plant the rose in my garden. Yes, each facet of the rose is important, but one piece without the others doesn’t make the rose what it really is. It is the totality of the rose plant that makes the rose what I want in my garden.

God does the same thing with us. When God chooses us to do a particular assignment He chooses us based on the totality of who we are; our temperament, the things that we’ve gone through in order to bring us to the place where we are now, our looks, our background and upbringing. All these things make us who we are and are the reasons God chooses us for our assignments.

Unfortunately, all too often we look at ourselves through the eyes of the world system and only see what we think the world sees when it looks at us. The world system says over and over again, we have to be super model thin in order to be considered worthy of being called attractive. The world system says we have to be rich or famous in order to be counted amount those whom others should listen to. The world system says we have to be educated with the right type of degrees and from the right schools or we’ll be outsiders and not allowed to join them at the popular table. But, no matter what the world tells us, it does not stop God from doing what He’s going to do and it shouldn’t stop us from doing what God has assigned us to do.

If God has given you an assignment, and He has given us all an assignment, what the world system says about you doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. When God gave each of us our assignments, He has already measured the totality of who we are and He knows we can successfully complete the assignment.

The world system only knows the labels it has placed on us. God knows who He created us to be.


“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” I Corinthians 1:27


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Prayer for Today

Failure success future

April 27, 2015

Father, when we realize how far we’ve allowed ourselves to fall into the pit falls of the world system, we feel hurt and disappointed with ourselves. Not only have we fallen into the financial pitfall of the world system but also the mental, emotion, physical and spiritual pitfalls. Thank You Lord for allowing us to go into the pits, but not allowing us to stay there!

Father, just like You were with Joseph when he went into the pit, You have been with us. You were with Joseph every step of the way during his time in Potiphar’s home, while he was in prison and when he served in the court of Pharaoh; and You have been with, are still with and will continue to be with us.

Father, You didn’t leave Joseph in the pit falls of his life and You won’t leave us in our pitfalls. You brought Joseph out of his pits more powerful than when he went in to the pits and You will do the same thing for us if we have the character of Joseph.

Father You blessed Joseph because he operated in his gifts, no matter the circumstances he was facing. He was always honorable to his masters/bosses no matter how they treated him. Joseph always He handled the business affairs that were given to him with knowledge and truth and he always gave You, Lord God, the glory.

Father, while I am climbing out of the pit falls of the world system, help me to have the character of Joseph in all aspects of my life. It is in Jesus name I pray and say Amen.

Scripture references:

Genesis 37:23 – 24

Genesis 39:1 – 6

Genesis 39:11 – 12

Genesis 39:20 – 23

Genesis 40:8

Genesis 41:15 – 16


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Prayer for Today

February 5, 2015

Father God, thank you for making me the apple of your eye. I will walk in the fullness of your glory and will not fall short of the abundance you have for me. I am overwhelmed by the fact that there is nothing in my life that does not concern you. Everything; my spiritual, mental, physical, financial and emotional health are important to you. There is nothing nor no one who is more important to you than me.

The light of this truth propels me to walk into the destiny you have designed, purposed and planned for me. Knowing that nothing you have planned for me can be stopped gives me the courage to pursue what you have purposed for me.

You don’t hold my past against me and neither will I. I press forward; leaving yesterday, last month and my earlier years in my rearview mirror. I move forward to what you have for me.

Moving forward in Jesus name! Amen.

Scripture references:

John 10:10

III John 2

Proverb 21:30

Nahum 1:7

Deuteronomy 32:10moving forward world

Psalm 55:22


© Copy written material

Prayer for Today

January 28, 2015

Father, there are days I set back and watch evil, mean-spirited people prosper while good people struggle. These are the days I wonder what you’re doing. Don’t you see? Don’t you care?

It seem so unfair that people who are mean, hateful, under handed and liars get away with so much while the good people who deserve more don’t get what they need. I know the evil people get their pay back in eternity and the good people get their reward in eternity but we live in the here and now.

I know that your plans stand firm forever and the purpose of your heart is through all generations. I know that the righteous should not get angry, indignant or be envious of evil people but I see their plans prospering while the plans of the righteous languish on the vines of life. I just don’t understand! What about the good people plans? What about our hopes and dreams?

Even though I see all of these things, I will trust in you and I will do good. I will be thankful for what you’ve already given me. I will delight myself in you and I will wait while you complete your plan to give me the desires of my heart. I will wait on you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Psalm 33:11

Psalm 37:1 – 4Prayer

I Have What It Takes

The systems of the world are designed to take our confidence and destroy how we view our gifts, talents and abilities. The world system says, “If you’re not rich, you’re not worth anything.” The world system will tell us, certainly women, “If you’re not stick figure thin, you’re not beautiful.”

But God placed greatness in us when He created us. He put hopes and dreams in our hearts and minds from the beginning. Many of us, including me, have put our dreams on hold and ignored our passions and gifts because we have believed what the world says about us. But, God has given us everything we need to do everything He has asked us to do.

I challenge you to get up every morning and tell yourself, “I have what it takes. No matter what God has asked me to do, I am the right person for the job.”

Taken from the book It’s Still Relative, the Word of God for Today’s World pages 81 and 82*

“Lord please help me to see my gifts, talents and abilities as You see them. Father help me to lean on You; the author, perfecter and finisher of my faith, and not on my own understanding. Help me Father, to understand the great power You placed in me at the time I accepted You. The power that allows me to be self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency that abides in me.”

“Lord, renew my mind so that I understand that there is nothing too difficult for You to perform through me if I yield all my members to you. You are my strength and my shield. Thank you Lord! In Jesus’ name Amen.”
*Used with author’s permission.

To purchase the book use this link or, go to and key in: Anita Wamble “It’s Still Relative God’s Word for Today’s World” target=”_blank”>