Prayer for Today

God is faithful

October 1, 2015

Father God, I often pray the part of the Lord’s Prayer that says, “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” without thinking about what I’m really saying. Today I am asking for Your will to be done in my life.

Father, You know what good, right and is perfect for me because every good and perfect gift comes from You. You know exactly what I need and when I need it. You know how to show Your strength, power and righteousness through my life. Today I commit to submitting to Your overarching authority over my life and I permit You to have Your perfect way in me.

Lord, when my flesh starts to scream because it is uncomfortable, comfort me by Your Holy Spirit. Father, I’ve been praying for (fill in whatever you’ve been praying for. Some examples: a closer walk with God, a healthier lifestyle, a mate, a change of heart, a financial blessing, your children, deliverance from past pains, etc.) ___________________________________________________ and I know the first step to moving forward in this is for Your will to be done in my life.

I will not listen to unwise council. I will keep my eyes steadfast and fix on You because You are the author, the perfecter and the finisher of my faith.

In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

Scripture references:

Matthew 6:10                                                  Proverbs 15:21 – 23

Matthew 7:11                                                   I Peter 5:10

James 2:23                                                          Hebrews 12:2

Romans 12:1 – 2

II Corinthians 1:2 – 4

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Prayer for Today

Climbing out of pit

April 22, 2015

Father God, You have given Your children everything we need to live a full and productive life. You have given us Godly wisdom. You have given us courage and boldness. You have given us the ability to produce wealth; not only material wealth but spiritual wealth. You have given us the power, the authority and the dominion to rule and rein in the earth.

Father, it is true that You have given us all of these things but, most of us don’t live up to the greatness You have bestowed on us. Most of us live from pay check to pay check because we’re too afraid to walk by faith and fulfill the destiny You have placed in our hearts and minds. Many of us live sad, depressed and less than productive lives because we’re trying to live like the world system says we’re supposed to live.

Father, too many of Your children are trying to live down to the level of the world rather than living up to the Kingdom of God.  You’ve called and positioned us to live life to the abundant, yet we wallow in the muck and mire of the world. Forgive us!

Father we need Your help to climb out of the pitfalls of this world. Father, help Your children we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Scripture References:

Genesis 1:26                                      Proverbs 3:13                    Colossians 1:12 – 14

Deuteronomy 8:18                        Proverbs 22:5                   II Peter 1:2 – 4

Psalm 9:15                                          Ecclesiastes 2:26

Psalm 40:2                                         Ecclesiastes 3:11

Psalm 138:3                                        Isaiah 11:1 – 3


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Prayer for Today

February 9, 2015

Father God, you alone are God!  There is no other god besides you. You alone created the heavens and the earth. You alone called forth light and separated light from darkness. You parted the water of the sky from the water of the earth. No one could have done these mighty acts except you!

You Lord God brought everything into being that have or had life. You are the only one who calls forth both destruction and deliverance and they must respond to your call. There is not another God on earth, in the heavens or under the earth. You alone are God!

We, your children, have allowed the world system to teach us to set up things in the earthly realm as our idols. Things made of clay, steel, plastic and wood. Things such as houses, home fixtures, clothes, cars, jobs, credit and money have become idols.

People such as our children, our spouses, our parents, our church leaders and our supervisors have become idols to some of us. We are more concerned about getting their approval than we are concerned about obeying your word.

Some of us have set up intangible things as idols; earthly power, authority and fame. We can’t see or touch these things, but we think we know them when we see them.

Forgive us! It was not our intent to place another God before you. Deliver us from the evil of this world and cleanse our hearts. In Jesus name. Amen.

Scripture references:

Genesis 1

Deuteronomy 3:24

Psalm 71:16

Psalm 18

Isaiah 40:12 – 26


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